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It’s a mistake many agencies and freelancers make; becoming over-dependent on a single client.
I don’t blame you for getting into an overly-dependent situation —when you have a good client, and they need more help, it can seem like a win-win. You get reliable business and predictable cash flow. They get a partner they feel understands their business, and do great work.
But if your relationship grows to the point that you become overly-dependent on a single client, you’re putting your business at risk.
Is the Client King?
If you get more than 20 per cent of your business from a single client, you’ve got a client concentration problem. You need the money, but then you feel like you have to cater to their every whim. If a big client fires you, you have to scramble, while covering the payroll from reduced revenues.
Having lots of small clients is a problem, too. It’s frustrating to constantly get sales inquiries from prospects that don’t have the budget to afford your help.
Regardless of whether you currently struggle with client concentration, or just need more clients, this article will take you through how to land more dream clients.
Dream clients
Dream clients are those that are great to work with, can afford your agency services, and put you on awesome projects.
So, how do you become the top pick for your dream clients? And how do you get enough dream clients to ensure a profitable business?
I’ll review three marketing strategies to maximize profits and minimize stress by attracting high-quality, high-budget leads:
- Capture the attention of your dream clients by specializing.
- Use free samples to get clients to pay for custom help — aka content marketing.
- Publish your pricing to pre-qualify sales leads, so you ONLY get calls from the right-sized clients.
What else do you do to keep your pipeline full of your ideal clients? Tell us in the comments section below!